Petzl Rope Ascenders
Buy highly quality rope ascenders at from brands like All Vac Industries, J.Racenstein, Kong Safety Equipment, Petzl, etc.

All Petzl Rope Ascenders Products
Item #: 95-105 MPN: B02CRA UPC: 00669893061460Regular Price: $87.65
$76.90In Stock PPI: 140

Rope Ascenders
Rope ascender is a very handy and useful device used for direct ascending a rope or for facilitating protection with a fixed rope when climbing high rise buildings for the professionals. They are designed to be easy to use and offer Maxium Comfort the Thumb noth simplifies cam retraction.
We provide combine extruded and machined bodies with stainless steel and aluminum parts produces a strong ascender for any usage. These are premium quality parts and even some of the ascenders come with new material, a special chemical and thermal process give to the cam, a much higher surface hardness.