ProTool ProTool Lemony Scent
We offer Lemony from Protool which is useful in cleaning, this item is handpick to provide our users with best in the industry experience while cleaning and prove to be useful.

All ProTool ProTool Lemony Scent Products

Lemony from Protool - as a Cleaner and Oder Counteractant: Clean and eliminate foul odors associated with vomit, feces, urine, smoke, mildew, garbage, etc. Ideal for use in schools, nursing homes, hotels, public areas, loading docks, bathrooms, compactor rooms or anywhere odors are a problem. Masks the scent of your SH and water batch with this economical formula. Use 4 oz. per 50-gallon SH batch. 32 qty., 50-gallon batches/gallon. Lemony as a Scent Masker offers the crisp fresh scent of lemons, rather than the bleach odor associated with SH based cleaning. Variable-use cleaner, scent-masker, and odor counteractant