Washer Sleeves
The Sleeve scrubs the window to release the dirt from the glass, the sleeve is attached to a T-Bar of the same size, Sleeves, also known as strip washers these are available in a variety of sizes .

All Washer Sleeves Products
Item #: 11-75M$12.50 - $17.053 options available PPI: 32553.63

Washer Sleeves
Washer sleeves are the piece of the puzzle that you cannot miss as stocking the right window washer sleeve in the window cleaning kit is always a value add in terms of cleaning as a good agitation from your sleeve is what actually cleans off the dirt and pollutants, then the squeegee removes the remaining water.
Without a great sleeve, your window- cleaning experience will suffer. Using a professional window-cleaning solution, plus a professional sleeve for agitation, will make your life easier and your work more productive. Apply with the right sleeve, then squeegee the solution off before it dries on the glass, detail the sills and frames.
We strongly recommend our buyers to go thru Ettore brands various product series like "Golden sleeve, Porcupine, Pro+ and Dura Sleeve".
Pulex "mircro tiger sleeve" is recommended as it is made of small microfibers that can penetrate into tiny pores to collect more dirt.
Also the ProTool's "Pro Sleeve Blue" is also a good alternative. This comes with a very Heavy duty polyester sleeve and It has an abrasive ends for scrubbing tough debris from glass