Spare parts for Single RO with 1 Pump Pure Water Parts list
Single RO with 1 Pump Pure Water Parts list
RODI 20in Carbon and DI Resin Filters Parts List
Pure Water is created by removing the sediments and total dissolved solids (TDS) from the water. The process of making pure water involves a chemical and electrical process.
Pure Water is created by removing the sediments and total dissolved solids (TDS) from the water. The process of making pure water involves a chemical and electrical process.
Think of this a a stationary RODI cart in the van or on the truck.
This is used to keep your pure water production on the vehicle, then Hose Reels are used to bring the water to the vehicle and out to the operator.
- 20in Carbon Filter - 120,000 gallons - Change twice per year February and August when used regularly, minimum once a year for lightly uses systems.
- 40in RO Industry Standard standard provides 0.8 to 1.1 GPM flow with 12v RO Boost Pump
- with the proper startup and end of job procedure followed will last 5 to 7 years,
- Membrane Flow from Tap Water 6-PSI plus and the 12v RO Pump running expect 1.1+GPM depending on the temperature
- 20In DI offers an industry leading amount DI Resin, with a long service interval
- Change when the water output rises above 10 tds on your tds meter.
- 12v Pump for Pressurizing the RO Membrane
- Mounting Plates for the wall or inside of the vehicle
The RO membranes may fail in the field if the carbon filter is not maintained.
Regular maintenance of the Carbon Filter is very important for RO service life, which is why this kit offers a larger 20" Carbon Filter. Replace this every 6 months.
RO membranes must be stored above 34 degrees F to avoid damaging the filter.