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Critical Infrastructure Guidelines for Covid-19

Critical Infrastructure Guidance

Federal and many state and local governments have been imposing numerous restrictions. These restrict people to their homes except for crucial needs, like food. Work has been restricted to at home, or not at all for many industries. These restrictions include exceptions for specific “Critical Infrastructure”. The publication includes guidelines defining what is and isn’t critical.

We’re going to break down these guidelines and figure out what it means for our industry.

Let’s Get Started.

What Sectors are identified as essential critical infrastructure:

  • Healthcare/Public Health
  • Law Enforcement, Public Safety, First Responders
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Water and Wastewater
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Public Works
  • Communications and Information Technology
  • Here is the full list of each sector in more detail.

What it means for us.

Buildings, parks, public places, residences, surfaces all need sanitizing. The facilities that need it the most are the ones that are listed above as essential/critical. Fire Departments, Health centers, energy facilities, food manufacturing/packaging/stores, are all in dire need of sanitizing.

The CDC has a long list of both general and COVID-19 specific sanitizers. Be sure to clean first and then sanitize after.

Cleaning with Sodium Hypochlorite (SH) can sanitize surfaces and help protect against viruses. Including COVID-19.

Performing a cleaning service using SH is identified as a “service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences”. More.

Cleaning companies are in the Essential Worker class, while this is especially relevant when providing cleaning and sanitizing at the facilities that house or support essential critical workforce as well as cleaning and sanitizing residences.

The essential/critical facilities are among the most exposed to viruses and COVID-19. They are in need of frequent cleaning and sanitation. By providing this cleaning and sanitation, a worker is deemed essential as well.

Most people/facilities are not well equipped to clean or sanitize an entire building, either inside or out, all at once. Our industry is in a unique position as many of us already have the proper equipment, training, and safety gear.

Incorporating these new clean and sanitation services in your regular offering provides a value added service and qualifies you to be out in the field. All while helping reduce the Coronavirus in your local area.

Critical and Essential Facilities

Official list of facilities:


– Physician,Dental, Psychologist, practitioners, nurse infection, quality control, pharmacist offices, etc.
– Hospital and laboratories, (including accounting, administrative, etc)
– Ambulatory, blood banks, clinics, community mental health, home care
– Manufacturer, technicians, logistics, warehouse of medical equipment
– Law Enforcement/First Responders
– Emergency management, law enforcement, fire, corrections, emergency medical 911 call centers, Food and


– Grocery stores, pharmacies, retail stores that sell food and beverages Restaurant carry-out and quick serve
– Food manufacturing/packaging
– Farms, storage facilities, agriculture inputs
– Firms supporting food/beverage distribution, including warehouses
– Company cafeterias


– Electric production plants, distribution, including, call centers,
– Petroleum storage and transport, refineries, drilling, production (on and off shore)
– Natural gas storage, transport, production
– Water
– Water filtration and production plants
– Transportation
– Automotive repair and maintenance facilities
– Manufacturing and distribution centers that support manufacturing, production of other industries

Public transportation facilities

In addition to these critical and essential industries, residential facilities need to be cleaned and sanitized. ” Workers such as plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences “.

Performing this cleaning gets you out as a critical service provider by sanitizing a customers residence and opens the door to complete further cleaning as needed while on the property.

Some contractors are out now cleaning high traffic areas and public places in their community for no charge as a service. Typically cleaning Police and Fire stations, playground equipment, etc.

Click here to learn everything you need to know about working with and mixing Sodium Hypochlorite.
Official information and resources: