How to Clean and Brighten Concrete Easily with F9 Groundskeeper
Most concrete cleaners, such as degreasers, have a high pH, which can build up in or on the surface of the concrete and pull more dirt and grime into the pores . That's why even after you've cleaned, the concrete may still have a dingy appearance. However, using high pH cleaners -- such as F9 Double Eagle -- is a must for removing topical oily buildup.
F9 Groundskeeper, on the other hand, is a highly buffered, low pH, hard-surface maintenance cleaner that can be use on concrete, bricks, pavers, tile, stone, ground masonry, and most other hard surfaces. Unlike F9 Double Eagle -- a degreaser for oil and grease stains -- Groundskeeper is designed for removing stains beneath the concrete surface.
Groundskeeper works by pulling out caustics in the surface and subsurface and neutralizing the surface's pH level. Groundskeeper's chemical reaction makes concrete white, giving it that extra "pop" that will thrill your customers! It also gives is more of a hydrophobic (i.e., "water hating") action so that new stains release easier than when they are regularly cleaned with high pH cleaners.
F9's Groundskeeper provides a noticeable, long-lasting clean that makes future maintenance cleanings faster and easier. In fact, according to Craig Harrison, founder of the Front 9 Restoration products, repeat cleaning contracts with F9 Groundskeeper are often completed anywhere from 20 to 40% faster.
How to Apply F9 Groundskeeper
1. The surface must be free of standing oils or grease. If there is topical grease (i.e., oil not down in the concrete's pores), Pretreat with F9 Double Eagle first.
2. Wet the concrete so that it's damp but not puddling.
3. Spray on at a 10:1 to 20:1 mix using a sprayer, such as the Protool Power Sprayer or the ProTool Clever system. (The Clever will automatically adjust the mix for you so you don't have to pre-mix.)
4. Agitate bad stains if needed using a brush or broom.
5. Allow to dwell for two minutes.
5. Wash off, preferably with hot water. (Cold is ok.)