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Troubleshooting the Solar Rotary Brush

Rotary Brush Troubleshooting

Maintenance/Repair Instructions 

If Brush Does NOT Spin

This can be performed in the field

1. Unscrew with appropriate wrench (size 19) the rod connection fitting (ref.11-M6300000256) and visually check that the nozzle hole (ref.9- MMUMS-07) is perfectly clean. 

If there are impurities obstructing the passage, clean with compressed air jet or fine wire. Due to wear and tear over the years, there is a possibility that the nozzle hole (ref.9-MMUMS07) will widen in this case it is necessary to proceed to replace the nozzle itself using an allen wrench,

2. Check the tightening of the four (two for each shaped roller) hexagon socket screws with appropriate Allen wrench

Operations to be performed only in the workshop 

If, after performing the two operations in the previous paragraph, the brush still does not turn, it is necessary to proceed to more thorough operations to be performed only in the workshop on a clean workbench with specialized personnel authorized by MM.

Checking the central body

1. Unscrew with appropriate Allen wrench the four (two for each shaped roller) hexagon socket screws (ref.5-M8x35) and extract the two shaped rollers.

2. Unscrew the eight nuts (ref.17-M4), four on each side and pull out the two reducers (ref.27-RID45-2-24) and set them aside.

3. Act on the two black pinions (ref.3-RID45003) at the same time and check if any seizing principles are felt in the rotation or if the axis of rotation has abnormal oscillations. 

In such cases, it is necessary to completely disassemble the central body.

4. Loosen with appropriate wrench the two Allen screws (ref,2-RID002-Screw M3x10), one on each side, of the black sprockets and pull them both off.

Very carefully check the toothing of the two black sprockets (ref.3-RID45003) and ascertain the condition of each tooth; if there is obvious wear, replace the two components.

5. Unscrew with appropriate wrench and remove the eight screws (ref.13-Screw M5x16), four on each side and fully open the central body into three components.

6. Observe the brush impeller (ref.10-M6300000256), if there are abnormal grooves or filing marks on the two side tangs, it is necessary to proceed to replace the impeller.

7. Completely disassemble the two bellhousings (ref.12-M6300000254) by unscrewing the eight screws (ref.24-M4x20) with appropriate wrench, remove inner covers (ref.16-M6300000262), oil seals (ref.14-MMP15245) and bearings (ref.15-MMC15245). 

Proceed to replace bearings and oil seals, memorizing the sequence and then repeating when reassembling,

Checking planetary gearboxes 

After checking/repairing the central body, proceed to check the two planetary gearboxes that were pulled out earlier.

8. By rotating the slow shaft (ref.20-M6300000252) in both directions, check the two gearboxes (ref.27) for any abnormalities or blockage. In such cases, it is necessary to proceed directly to replace the gearboxes (ref.27-RID45-2- 24).

9. In cases where the bearings and oil seals of the central body have been replaced, it is essential to also replace the bearings and oil seals mounted on the “seal ring holder” part (ref. 18-M6300000253) housed on the planetary gearboxes. 

Using an appropriate wrench, unscrew the three screws (ref.23-M5x16), three for each gearbox, and remove the two “seal ring holders.” 

Remove the snap rings (ref.21-d24 stainless steel) and pull off oil seals