Spare parts for Water Powered Rotating Brush 32in and 39in Parts List
Water Powered Rotating Brush 32in and 39in Parts List
Water Powered Rotating Brush 32in and 39in Parts List
- The rotating roller brush was designed and built to clean solar panels, vinyl and aluminum siding.It is a mobile, hand-operated unit designed to be positioned and operated manually on the surface to be cleaned.Rotary hydrokinetically brushes offer considerable time savings in the cleaning operation performed on solar panels and building surfaces when compared to traditional fixed brushes.Requirements:- 600 to 700PSI (40 to 50 BAR) pressure at brush head max- 2.3 to 3 Gallons per minute (9 to 11LPM) consumptionMax. Water Temperature: 104° F (40° C)
For Pressure washing sizing the brush is the same usage as a #7 tip
Pressure washer:
Recommended Pressure Washer: 3 gallons per minute, 2500psi - Instructions for Use:
- Connect the brush to the telescopic lance.
- Position the unit on the surface to be cleaned.
- Open the water valve on the telescopic lance.
- Begin cleaning the surface.
- Close the telescopic lance’s valve.
- Turn off the water supply
- Open the telescopic lance’s valve to discharge the residual pressure.